Neurofeedback: Exercise for Your Brain

Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, is a cutting-edge, non-invasive technique that helps your brain learn to function more effectively without the use of drugs. This gentle and enjoyable training method teaches the brain how to regulate and distribute its electrical energy more efficiently.

Our brains generate electrical impulses in four key Frequency Bands: Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. These bands provide crucial insights into which parts of the brain are active and how they should be operating during various tasks, activities, and mental states.

By guiding your brain toward healthier patterns, neurofeedback promotes balance and overall well-being.

Frequency Bands and Daily Life

Throughout our day, different brain areas need to be activated depending on the task at hand.

For example, when focusing on activities like balancing your checkbook or following instructions, your brain relies on faster brainwaves called Beta.

Conversely, when it’s time to relax after a long day, your brain shifts to slower Alpha waves to help you unwind. Neurofeedback aims to enhance the brain’s self-regulating ability, improving its flexibility to transition smoothly between these states of relaxation and alertness.

Because the brain regulates attention, emotions, and overall affect, optimizing its function with neurofeedback supports the entire central nervous system in restoring normal, healthy functioning.

Neurofeedback Training Sessions

During neurofeedback training, individuals are connected to a computer via sensors that monitor brainwave activity using BrainCore technology.

The system continuously tracks the brain’s patterns and detects when the brainwaves begin to organize with more balance.

This information is then fed back to the patient in real-time through engaging visuals like a game, movie, or sound. Remarkably, the patient’s brainwaves control these activities. As the brain sees this feedback, it learns to regulate itself more effectively, improving brain function over time.

Learn More About How It Works

Neurofeedback allows us to create customized, non-invasive, drugless solutions to support improved health naturally.

Schedule a consultation call with us today.

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